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Talk and Workshop with J. Reid Miller





The Einstein Research Group is happy to announce two events with J. Reid Miller: A talk ("Sexual Endowments") on May 22, from 6 to 8 pm at Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, room L116, and a workshop ("Seeing Through Bodies: On Evaluative Perception") on May 24 at Altensteinstr. 15. 

News vom 22.04.2024

J. Reid Miller is Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature at Haverford College. He is the author of Stain Removal: Ethics and Race (Oxford UP, 2016) as well as essays on ethics, language, cinema, and race in publications such as Diacritics, Critical Inquiry and Philosophy and Social Criticism. As part of his current project exploring the logic of inheritance he co-produced and co-wrote the award-winning documentary film 80 Years Later (2022) on Japanese American racial inheritance and published the symposium piece "What Would a Philosophy of Inheritance Look Like?" in the Journal of World Philosophies (2023). He has been Associate Editor at the journal GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies since 2021 and has held Visiting Scholar positions at Stanford University and UC Berkeley.

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