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Workshop with Fumi Okiji: "Black Study as Form"

17.11.2023 | 10:00 - 16:00

Please register with jochen.schuff@fu-berlin.de.

Workshop with Fumi Okiji

Workshop with Fumi Okiji

»There’s an internal volition of space with regard to its own deformation and reformation, deconstruction and reconstruction. This preservation-in-differentiation doesn’t just come from outside; it works, in the end- lessness of the end, to cut the outside and what the outside is supposed to oppose. This is the topological imperative, where topology is how we graph us into the scene we set, the camera neither subject nor object but the difference that is given in seeing and hearing inseparably. Black social life is the continual preparation of a table under conditions of bending, stretching and crumpling. Ours is a mechanics of distress. This is black topological existence. It’s what it is to see and hear and feel and touch and smell and taste from within the mass, that celebration of mass that implies the mass and enacts its differentiation. We are anarchic and un- certain. We hesitate. We don’t want to wait in vain. The way we be hearing and seeing one another disappear into the way we make a space that is also a way, in and out of no way, ain’t no thing. This recessive working, this ruminative message and massage, this rubbing down into and out of depression, this inveterate shaping, is felt in the sound, savored in the sight, of words, too« (Moten, Fred. »Black Topological Existence,« 2018).

Freie Universität Berlin
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Universität der Künste Berlin